白滨 / 那智胜浦 / 伊势 / 伊贺 / 大阪


5 Days 4 Nights


Tour Type

Ground Arrangement Private Tour



From 2 – 8 people

2 – 8 人


10 May 2023 – 20 Dec 2023

2023年5月10日 – 2023年12月20日

From RM 3,045 per person


4 nights Stay

(1 Nights stay Wakayama area / 1 Night stay Mie area / 2 Nights stay Osaka city)

Shirahama : is a resort town on the south coast of Japan’s Wakayama prefecture. It’s known for its hot springs and quartz-sand beach. Just offshore, Engetsuto Island has a rocky, sunset-framing arch.

Wakayama : is a city in Japan’s Kansai region. Overlooking the city, central Wakayama Castle has an original moat and stone wall. Nearby, the Museum of Modern Art displays Japanese prints, paintings and sculptures, as well as European works.

Mie : is where Ise Jingu, a shrine that used to be at the top of all shrines in Japan, which many Japanese wished to visit once in their lifetime, is located.In Mie, there are plenty of tourist attractions including photogenic and breathtaking coastal scenery, a reservoir of theme parks and amusement parks, and famous home of Iga Ninjya. In addition, there are plenty of local gourmet, such as Matsusaka beef (Matsusaka Ushi), Ise-ebi (lobster),

Osaka city : Osaka is a large port city and commercial center on the Japanese island of Honshu. It’s known for its modern architecture, nightlife and hearty street food. The 16th-century shogunate Osaka Castle, which has undergone several restorations, is its main historical landmark. It’s surrounded by a moat and park with plum, peach and cherry-blossom trees.

Our ground packages include airport pickup from Osaka Kansai Airport and sending off at Osaka Kansai airport , hotels , transportation as per our itinerary sightseeing spot entrances fee all are included.

Which hotel to use is not specified, and the hotel will be decided when you make a reservation, basically we use a 3-star hotel.

Breakfast is always included, but other meals will depend on the package.


  • – Airport meeting and sending service include
  • – Enjoy sightseeing tour at Kansai area.
  • – Taste the Famous Japanese Food during the tour.
  • – Visit Historical side at Wakayama and Mie area
  • – Hotel (3 star) Located at middle of the city center, very convenient to move around during free time.
  • Mandarin Speaking Driver cum Guide use (02-08 Persons)
    • This tour is only with an experienced driver (Mandarin Speaking) cum guide use during the tour.



白滨:是日本和歌山县南海岸的一个度假小镇。它以温泉和石英沙滩而闻名。 离岸不远的圆月岛有一个落日余晖构成的岩石拱门。

和歌山:是日本关西地区的一个城市。俯瞰城市的和歌山城中心拥有原始的护城河和石墙。 附近的现代艺术博物馆展示着日本版画、绘画和雕塑,以及欧洲作品。

三重县 : 伊势神宫曾经是日本所有神社中最高的神社,许多日本人一生都想去一次风景, 主题公园和游乐园的水库,以及著名的伊贺忍者之家。此外,还有许多当地美食,如松阪牛(松阪牛)、伊势虾(龙虾)、

大阪市 : 大阪是日本本州岛的一个大型港口城市和商业中心。它以其现代建筑、夜生活和丰盛的街头美食而闻名。 经历过多次修复的 16 世纪幕府大阪城是其主要历史地标。它被护城河和公园环绕,公园里种满了梅树、桃树和樱花树。









  • 机场接送服务包括
  • 享受关西地区的观光旅游。
  • 游览期间品尝著名的日本美食。
  • 参观和歌山和三重地区的历史遗迹
  • 酒店(三星级)位于市中心,闲暇时间出行非常方便。





Upon arrival, meeting with the driver cum guide at arrival hall. Then proceed to below tour:
–  Tore Tore Ichiba (seafood market) – is a seafood market operated by the Kataka Fishery Cooperative Association, which means that the flavor and freshness of the products cannot be beaten. Inside the lively market, one thing that really stands out is the daily tuna cutting show. Watch the delicate movements of the cutting professionals as they cut and trim the fish, which are caught near shore and have never been frozen.

Sandanbeki Rock Cliff –  is a 50m high sea cliff made of thick sandstone stratum of the upper Tanabe strata. Underneath the cliff, there are rock caves eaten by the ocean waves. It is on the northern extension of the Karekinada arc-shaped dike, and there are several ruins of mines nearby.

Senjojiki Rock Plateau – The large white bedrock that spreads out against the backdrop of the blue Pacific Ocean has been eroded by the raging waves over the years, creating a rocky landscape. The setting sun on the horizon is truly a “superb view”. 

*Lunch on your own at Tore Tore Ichiba.
Check in Hotel at Wakayama Area.


Tore Tore 市场(海鲜市场) 是由 Kataka 渔业合作协会经营的海鲜市场,这意味着产品的风味和新鲜度无可匹敌。在热闹的市场内,真正引人注目的是每天的金枪鱼切割表演。观看切割专家切割和修剪在近岸捕获且从未冷冻过的鱼时的精细动作。

三段壁的悬崖是一个 50 米高的海崖,由田边上层的厚砂岩层构成。悬崖下,有被海浪侵蚀的岩洞。它位于Karekinada弧形堤防的北端延伸处,附近有几处矿山遗址。

千叠敷大岩盘 – 以蓝色太平洋为背景展开的大片白色基岩,经年累月被汹涌的海浪侵蚀,形成了岩石景观。地平线上的夕阳真是“绝景”。

*在 Tore Tore Ichiba 自行享用午餐。 入住和歌山地区酒店。


After breakfast, then proceed for the tour as below:
○ Kumano Nachi Taisha Grand Shrine :is a Shinto shrine and part of the UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range of Japan. The Kumano Kodō route connects it to other sites under the same classification, which are primarily located in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. 

○Nachisan Seigantoji Temple –  this temple is the oldest structure in Kumano. Many precious important cultural properties can be found here. The precincts are renowned for their magnificent views of Nachi Falls, Nachi Primeval Forest, and the Pacific Ocean.

○Nachi Falls – is one of the best-known waterfalls in Japan. With a drop of 133 meters, it is the country’s tallest water fall with single uninterrupted drop; however, the tallest waterfalls with multiple drops in Japan are Hannoki Falls, at 497 m, and Shōmyō Falls, at 350m.

○Onigajo, Meoto iwa, –are two sacred rocks in the ocean near Futami, a small town in Ise City. The larger of the two rocks represents the husband and the smaller one represents the wife. Both rocks are connected by a shimenawa rope which acts as the division between the spiritual and earthly realms. In a ceremony, the shimenawa rope is replaced three times a year.

*Lunch on your own at Around Kumano Nachi Taisha..

After tour transfer to Mie area , Check in Hotel at Mie town


○ 熊野那智大社 : 是神道教神社,是日本纪伊山地被联合国教科文组织指定的世界遗产圣地和朝圣之路的一部分。 熊野古道路线将其连接到同一分类下的其他站点,这些站点主要位于日本和歌山县。

那智山青岸渡寺 这座寺庙是熊野最古老的建筑。许多珍贵的重要文化财产都可以在这里找到。 该地区以其那智瀑布、那智原始森林和太平洋的壮丽景色而闻名。

○那智瀑布 – 是日本最著名的瀑布之一。落差133米,是全国最高的单一连续落差瀑布; 然而,日本最高的多处落差瀑布是 497 米的饭之木瀑布和 350 米的正名瀑布。

○鬼ヶ城,夫婦岩 – 是伊势市二见镇附近海洋中的两块神圣岩石。两块石头中较大的代表丈夫,较小的代表妻子。 两块岩石都由一根 shimenawa 绳索连接起来,它是精神领域和尘世领域之间的分界线。在仪式上,绳绳每年更换 3 次。



DAY 3 MIE – ISE – IGA – OSAKA    三重~伊势~伊贺~大阪

After breakfast, Transfer from Mie to Osaka then proceed for the tour as below:
Ise Grand Shrine Naiku-is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. Officially known simply as Jingū, Ise Jingū is a shrine complex composed of many Shinto shrines centered on two main shrines, Naikū and Gekū. 

Okage yokocho –  a small district which recreates a townscape of past centuries (Edo Period to early Meiji Period). Completed in 1993, Okage Yokocho features various shops and restaurants.

Iga-ryu-Ninja Museum – is a museum dedicated to the history of the ninja and ninjutsu. It was established in 1964 and is located near Iga Ueno Castle. Jinichi Kawakami, who serves as the honorary director of the Iga-ryū Ninja Museum, is proclaimed to be the 21st head of Iga-ryū ninjutsu.

Iga Ueno Castle (伊賀上野城Iga-Ueno-jō), also known as Ueno Castle (上野城Ueno-jō) is a Japanese castle located in the city of IgaMie Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan. The castle is also called Hakuho Castle (白鳳城Hakuhō-jō), or “White Phoenix Castle,” because of its beautiful architecture and floor plan. The castle has been protected by the central government as a National Historic Site since 1967

Lunch at your own at Okage Yokocho

After tour transfer to Osaka city and check in Hotel at Osaka city.


伊勢神宮 – 是供奉太阳女神天照大神的神社。伊势神宫的正式名称简称为神宫, 是一个由许多神社组成的神社建筑群,以内宫和外宫这两个主要神社为中心。

托福橫丁街 – 一个重现过去几个世纪(江户时代到明治初期)城市景观的小区。 托福橫丁街 于 1993 年竣工,设有各种商店和餐厅。

伊贺流忍者博物馆 – 是一座致力于展示忍者和忍术历史的博物馆。它成立于 1964 年,位于伊贺上野城附近。
担任伊贺流忍者博物馆名誉馆长的川上仁一被宣布为伊贺流忍术的第 21 代掌门人。

由于其美丽的建筑和平面图,这座城堡也被称为白凤城或“白凤凰城”。自 1967 年以来,这座城堡一直作为国家历史遗址受到中央政府的保护



DAY 4   OSAKA  FULL DAY FREE & EASY   大阪全天自由活动

After breakfast, Full day free & Easy


After breakfast, free till depart
Transfer to Kansai Airport




  • 4 Night Hotel Accommodation

    4 晚酒店住宿

  • Tour And Transport As Per Itinerary + Driver cum guide will be provided. (basically Mandarin speaking )

    将提供按行程安排的旅游和交通+司机兼导游。 (基本上是普通话)

  • Entrance fee to all the sightseeing spot as mentioned in the itinerary is included.


  • Meals included – 4 Breakfasts, 0 Lunch & 0 Dinner.

    含餐 –  4 顿早餐、0 顿午餐和 0 顿晚餐。


  • Travel Insurance (strongly recommended to purchase).


  • Air Ticket.


  • Meals other than stated.


  • Camera/Video Fees.


  • Any other extra places need entrance fee.


  • Services/ Item not mentioned in the program.



Itinerary and package content is subject to last-minute changes due to weather or operational issue.

Activity stated is provided on a complimentary basis, no refund will be made for cancellation of activities due to weather or operational issue.

Children rates are applicable for 2-11 years old only (by year)



儿童价格仅适用于 2-11 岁(按年)

Minimum booking of this tour is from Two (2) Adults and above.
Our package include Driver cum guide mandarin speaking service.
If you need a professional (English or Mandarin) speaking tour guide, additional guide fee applies. Please check it in our booking page in … add on Extra’s button.

The tour pick-up is from Hokkaido Chitose Airport or Sapporo City area only.

If pick-up place is other than Hokkaido Sapporo city’s hotel or airport, additional charge applies.

If a lunch or dinner included in the tour itinerary, we will arrange it at the nearest convenient restaurant according to each tour itinerary. Food arrangement will NOT be Halal food. Please inform us if you have any food allergies, vegetarian or religious restrictions. We will try our best to accommodate to your request but are not guaranteed and are subject to availability and restaurant discretion.

The tour price stated is net and in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR).

此旅游配套的最低预订为两 (2) 名成人及以上。
如果您需要专业(英语或普通话)的导游,需支付额外的导游费用。请在我们的预订页面中查看……添加 Extra 按钮。




所列旅游价格为净价,以马来西亚令吉 (MYR) 为单位。

Any cancellation of your booking must be in writing to avoid any misunderstanding.
Cancellation of tour fees will be charge as below.

Before 30 days … Free Cancellation.
Before 21 days … 50% of your total charges.
Before 14 dyas … 70% of your total charges.
Within 7 days … 100% of your total charges.

** During Super Peak Season, the above Cancellation Policy will be voided. We will notify to you once there is a booking.


30 天前…免费取消。
21 天之前……总费用的 50%。
14 天前……总费用的 70%。
7 天内 … 100% 的总费用。

** 在超级旺季期间,上述取消政策将作废。一旦有预订,我们会通知您新的取消政策。

Once we received your tour booking request, we will notify you as soonest possible of your booking within 3 working days.

Your tour booking with us is not automatically confirmed until we confirmed from our side by email to you. But you will receive an acknowledgment email regarding to your request booking from us. If you do not receive it, kindly check your spam mailbox. If you cannot find it, please do contact us by email via contact us.

Once your tour booking is successfully confirmed by our side, you will receive a confirmation email from us in details with a total payment amount and payment details.

We will only issue you a “Final Tour Confirmation Voucher” once you made a full tour payment to us.

一旦我们收到您的旅游预订请求,我们将在 3 个工作日内尽快通知您确认您的预订。




Meet our Driver cum Guide at Osaka Kansai International Airport or any hotel inside Osaka city (if there is a request) .



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